Friday, December 13, 2013

Sarah Atwell


When you're different.  Really different.  Life is hard. When people see anything that isn't "normal"...They judge.  They stare.  They wonder.  And that's okay.


What happens after that curiosity is what really matters. 

I have a few blog posts here about bullying.  Heck...I even have a chapter in my book that tells my bullying story...The impact bullying has had in my personal life is immeasurable, so when I see or hear of stories of triumph...I want to scream from the rooftops!!!!

Sarah Atwell...

 Like me has Neurofibromatosis.  She has a tumor on her face that distorts her features.  She is a beautiful girl, who has endured unbelievable cruelty.

I was one of the thousands of people who view her video about how she felt about living with a disorder that you can never hide from.  I cried while I watched ...and smiled when she let her strength show through her own tears.

You are a hero!  Finding your strength and pushing back, has gone on to inspire so many people!  I am so proud of you.  Your strength and spirit inspire me!

YOU are what THRIVING is!

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