Monday, November 30, 2015

What's Next?

I had no idea that I would be able to love something that scared me so much.  Speaking in front of large crowds was my hubby's thing....NOT MINE...And I was always safe in Rich's shadow.

Telling my story...And helping to encourage others has become the most important thing....And I have found that the more I do it, the more my fears just slip away.

I want to do this more.  Get out there and talk about Neurofibromatosis.  It's a necessity!

2016 is going to be filled with speaking opportunities...And I am so excited for this!  The more we talk about Neurofibromatosis...The more people will accept and understand this condition!

What do I speak about...?

THRIVING!  My message is positive and uplifting, even while addressing serious complications caused by NF.

I speak about being a mother of 6 children, 3 of the children having an NF diagnosis...While also managing my own medical needs, having NF.

Living a life that is fulfilling and meaningful is something ANYONE can do!

If you or someone you know is looking for a speaker please contact me:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Giorgio Foundation PART 2- The Speech

I love the advice people get when speaking in front of a large crowd.  Being married to a professional speaker, I think I have heard it all!

Honestly, I think picturing the crowd in their underwear is good advice...The part where Mr. Brady says that it helps the speaker realize that the people they are speaking to, are human, just like them makes sense.

I didn't have time to picture THIS audience in their underwear....I was too focused on not falling on my face. :)

The speech was about my own diagnosis....How I choose to THRIVE, through all of the uncertainties...All of the fear....All of the anger....How I go beyond just 'living' with NF.

For me, I felt empowered on stage.  Looking out into the crowd of several hundreds of people, did not scare me (I was shocked by this)  Instead it made me feel like I was doing EXACTLY what God put me here to do.

All I wanted was to tell MY story.  Impact ONE person.  And leave an impression on people that NF is just PART of who I am.

It was such an honor to be a part of this wonderful event...I was made to feel like an honored guest and for that I wanted to thank EVERYONE involved.  Especially the Borzellino family!

Me And Giorgio at the 2nd Annual Giorgio Foundation Fundraiser