Monday, July 19, 2021

Ok....This is SAD!

I don't know what's wrong with me.  I just can't seem to get myself motivated to blog...or be active in NF groups anymore. When I try....I witness so much much anger....And I don't know, just so much misinformation.  I want to jump in and say stuff....But, I just feel like the effort isn't worth it.

That HAS to change.  I mean, what has 'THRIVING with NEUROFIBROMATSOSIS' become?  

I'm going to wipe off the cobwebs and just do this.

I AM still 'THRIVING'  - Just not as actively.  (how dumb)

Quarantine is over...and basically, things are going back to 'normal'.  And I have been working as a preschool teacher for over a year,  I love it.  When I say this...I don't mean, it's a great job....I mean...It's a PERFECT job!  

I have wanted to this exact thing, since I was a young pre-teen, going to work with my mom.  She loved what she did....and it showed.  

So when this opportunity came at BH....I was so excited!

Speaking of my mom.

She has been dead now since Dec 1st of this year...And I just can't get used to the idea that she's gone.  

I hate death.  I hate that things just keep going.  I miss her so much.  I want to call her up- to ask for advise - I want to thank her for all of the really cool resources I am using, thanks to her.  I literally inherited an ENTIRE schools worth of supplies!

I'll do a separate post about my mom...and what happened to her.

For now, I re-joined a few NF groups....and I will slowly start to get back involved.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across your blog and thought I would leave a comment.

    I would be 40 this year and I also have NF. I have had surgeries(one a week ago) to remove the big tumors or the painful ones. One of the tumors was operated on three times. I have a daughter who is still a toddler, she has also been diagnosed with NF.

    I haven't joined any groups yet but would love to hear from other people who have the same condition.

    I read your blog about one of your sons who had chemo and the tumors grew bigger. I would like to say from experience that the chemo didn't make the tumors grew but the stress from having chemo might have caused it. I'm saying this because my tumor I had surgery on three times grew bigger when I was going through a lot of stress and I strongly believe stress causes the tumors to grew bigger or for new ones to appear.

    It's hard to avoid stress in life at one point or the other but I would like say people with NF need to avoid being in stressful situations.
