I know most people can't say that they are excited to see the doctor...But I was. I was SO excited in fact, that I had a completely different blog post already written, in anticipation for this visit. Let's just say...this visit...didn't go as planned.
Well aside from being sick with a cough for 3 weeks and needing refills on my prescriptions, I wanted to be able to "OFFICIALLY WEIGH-IN" on a medical scale...And possibly have the chance to brag a little about how much weight I have lost.
I didn't want high-fives...or a parade ... BUT I DID want something other than what I got.
"Hmmm You're overweight" The DR says as she walks in the room....(no --'hi... how are you?') "Are you watching your saturated fats...?"
My heart sank.
"Have YOU looked at your charts Doc.? What is the last weight you have?"
She tells me 203.
Then tells me that according to the "Ideal Weight/Height Chart" I was still considered "overweight"...and that "I had a ways to go".....
COMPLETELY missing the fact that I was 80 pounds lighter than the last time I was seen.
I'm sorry....But my balloon was deflated!
I know it's not the doctors job to make me feel better about myself....
Wait. YES IT IS! That's what we PAY them for!
I couldn't believe it. I was crushed....Hurt....and feeling like ALL THAT HARD WORK I WAS DOING DIDN'T MATTER.
(I know it DOES matter...But the doctor got me to a place I never wanted to be)
Who IS SHE anyway? Why did I allow HER negativity to affect me so much?
It's 'cause I am obviously still working on myself.
I have lost a total of 118 pounds (according to the highest recorded weight) and even though it has taken 2 years of REALLY hard work....My insides have a LOT of catching up to do.
If I went by "ideal weight"...I'd be 105 pounds...Yeah...In an IDEAL WORLD, where I'm not almost 40 years old....Had SIX babies...and had perfect genetic background.
Charts--Graphs--And Ignorant Doctors can bite me.
Negativity has NO PLACE in this new body.