Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Low Blood Counts

I was SURE Bailey's counts would be higher today!

Saturday night, when I got the call from the camp Bailey was at, her blood count was at 1.  She had a 102 fever and was quickly hooked up to antibiotics and IV fluids....But they didn't help.  Sunday morning, I was called to come get Bailey from camp.  A friend from church came and picked up 4 of the kids, to make the drive a little easier.

When Rich and I finally got to the camp and saw Bailey....She didn't look sick to me.  I was shocked when I was told how sick she really was.

We were to go straight to the ER...But needed to drop Rich off with kids, so that I could just stay with Bailey for as long as it took to get her fever down, and her counts back up.

When we got to the ER, Bailey's temperature was 104.2...NOW, she looked sick.  I have NEVER seen any of my children with a fever that high.  Bailey, most certainly has never been THIS sick.

We were admitted Sunday night based on blood counts and fever.

Monday, Bailey was still running a 100-102 fever....but her counts were rising....Still extremely low....but headed in the right direction.

Tuesday she went ALL day, with no fever....She was FINALLY eating....and things were great!  Her counts increase from the previous day, and the Drs were sure that Wednesday, she would be able to go home...As long as counts continued to rise.

Wednesday morning, the doctors came in and told me her counts went way back down.

We have cultured her blood and can find no reasons why this is happening....No reasons for low blood pressure.

So we just stay here....Where Bailey can be monitored until her counts stabilize.

While extremely frustrated...We have faith that God heals!

            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.  
~Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. Kristi,

    I'm sure that Bailey is at TCH! And if that is the case, she is in the best hands. Sara has spent many nights there with infections, and sometimes fever as high as 105.

    You and Bailey are both strong women, and will come out of this even stronger.

    Sending lots of healing vibes! Hang in there!

  2. YOU are strong woman. Your childrn are lucky to have to fighting so hard for them. They will grow up to do that for their kids.
    You are a thriving woman and can do anything! The only thing you are missing is a cape!!!!!
    XX Jen
