It seems I have A LOT of people who stop by and read this blog, then fade away. Let me see if I can change this! I want my readers to come back....and stay. I want to inspire and uplift.
Please if you read this blog....select the FOLLOW button, so I know you are out there!
Starting this MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY!!!!!! I will be starting something new! Each day of the week will have something for you to look fwd to! It could be a personal story, an inspirational event, something funny, something sad, something 'freaky', or it may be a call for help. Even the most positive of people, get lost in fear and pain. I want my readers to feel like they belong here.....feel like they are not alone.
The struggles NF puts in front of us, doesn't have to be scary. We can face the unknown, with strength and knowledge.
So, my friends.....here's what I would like to do:
Start EVERY Monday with something motivational....."MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY" :)
Every Tuesday will be something to turn your thoughts around to something good...."TURN AROUND TUESDAY"
Wednesdays will be something just for ME.....(you) When you are battling a disease like this, it gets exhausting....for the people suffering, and for the care givers. Wednesday will have a little break, from all that stress! "WHAT ABOUT ME WEDNESDAY".
Thursdays will be what this blog is all about. THRIVING! Everyday we make choices. Good ones, bad ones.....THRIVING with NF is a choice I make everyday....let's make that choice together! THRIVING THURSDAY!!
and just for fun....
FREAKY FRIDAY! Will be jokes, funny stuff....whatever I feel like---to lighten the spirit!
I hope you will enjoy these changes!!
God Bless you all!
Please leave any feedback as a comment!
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