With all these Doctor visits, we have spent TONS of time in the waiting room. Here are some tips to make the time you spend go a little smoother.
First....Plan on waiting. If you don't have to, then GREAT....but plan ahead! I have learned the hard way.
It really stinks when you are in a waiting room with kids, and they have NOTHING for kids to do, so the first thing to do, is to bring something for them to have fun with. (Coloring books, reading books, anything that can hold their attention)
If the place has internet access, bring your computer. If I go to a appointment alone, I bring my computer....This is where I catch up on emails and do some writing.
Today, I had a dental appnt. The waiting room was packed with people, so I knew I was in for a wait. Lots of interesting people in there! One women, who was in a wheel chair, with obvious tourette syndrome, rolled around to each person waiting, pointing "You're ugly....you're not...you're ugly...you're not" I hold my breath as she gets to me, and sigh relief as she says "you're not"...... A hour and a half later, I finally get called for my appnt. You never know when you will have to wait, so be prepared!
Avoid frustration, and plan plenty of time, for the appointment. This will save your nerves and make for a more pleasurable time at the doctor.
This is why I always try to schedule my appnts for the first appnt of the day.....That way I won't have to deal with the doctor running behind. Because...it never fails, I always end up waiting.
One of the BEST waiting rooms I have ever been in had a children's play area, stocked with toys, large cushioned chairs and plenty of reading material! I tell ya...I got all caught up on my 'Jon and Kate' gossip there!
The worst waiting room was just the other day at the Neurosurgeon. A drab plain room, line with wooden chairs. Magazines that were outdated and very obviously read through a zillion times. The kids were flopping all over the floor and crawling under the chairs....it was definitely NOT a fun experience. And unfortunately, we ended up waiting in that room for over an hour!
Waiting is NEVER fun. But plan ahead. Pack a bag of goodies...it will make the time you spend in the waiting room more manageable.
my ipod works good in waiting rooms. But what about waiting in the room for the doctor??? lol I normally go through all the drawers to see whats in them or go on the internet with the computer in there.