Friday, December 5, 2014

Holy Christmas Lights Batman!

What's Christmas without Christmas lights...?

I love decorating for the holidays....Christmas especially.  But I have never gotten up on the roof to put up lights.  For one...I HATE heights and had imagined myself tumbling off the roof, clinging to the gutters screaming for anyone to come help me!

I also had a fear of being that lady who can make it ON the roof...But the only way down was calling the Fire Dpt.

Well- neither happened....And THIS year, our house has LIGHTS~ AND a giant wreath made out of an old hula-hoop!

FEAR- It has stopped me from doing so many things.  I'm not sure why fear has all this power...When the JOY I get from doing something I feared has SO MUCH MORE power!?  It's like this lesson - that needs to be taught over and over and over...and I STILL don't trust in it.

The FEAR wins, almost every time.  

I'm still willing to learn though...So that's good...right?

Have you done something you feared? How did it make you feel? Do you let fear stop you from going towards something that could bring you joy?

This Christmas Season I hope that it does nothing but fill you with love and joy!


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