I had a photo taken of me recently, that honestly made gag. I couldnt believe that person was me. I have become very unhealthy and hate myself for it. A part of me feels, that the fatness covers the tumors...or makes them less obvious....but in reality....I feel so horrible about my body anyway...that being fat just makes it worse.
Being fat has protected me to some extent from a lot of pain....but in return has caused a lot of scars. I don't like myself at all....I have to struggle to be happy....I'm tired and frustrated.
My 'Turn it around Tuesday', begins with a challenge for myself. (and please feel free to join along) I want to feel better, look better and I want to set a good example for my children. How can I expect THEM to make the right choices, when I dont?
So I have at least 50 pounds to lose. Starting today! I will add a menu bar to the right of the blog and a poundage calculator. I will excersize for at least 1 hr each day. (I can easily fit that in, by just cutting out an hour of TV)
Who wants to join me?
It isn't easy- I use food to feel better about Julias nf- I have been known to funnel m and m's. Its awful- Once you get going you'll feel great! you can do it- and your body grew 6 beautiful children- you gotta love it!