I remember making cookies with my mom. Our family was always busy, but every once in a while, she'd sneak me into the kitchen and surprise me by having me help with chocolate chip cookies!
I cherished those happy times with my mom...and remember how happy she was. We'd talk as we created the warm and gooey treats that we all loved! My brothers would run into the house, and devour several cookies, then run back outside. Mom and I would laugh.
I love creating these kind of memories with my own children. It makes so happy when one of my kids comes up to me to tell me I am their favorite mommy. "I sure hope so!" I say. I can see that I am filling them up with so many good memories.
Yesterday, we made chocolate chip cookies. It's always fun to let everything else go, take a break and get messy with the kids. We got all the ingredients out, and made a assembly line. Each kid had a job, and they were all set to do it well.
They all pushed the stools up to the counter, just waiting for their turn to crack an egg, measure the sugar, or use the mixer. We made a double batch, to make up for all the cookie dough they were sure to consume. :)
After we finished mixing, I gave each of the kids a beater or a spoon and sent them outside. I bake a few cookies and set the rest of the dough in the fridge. (There was a lot of dough, and didn't have time to make it ALL)
As I was cleaning up the mess...I thought back to when I was a kid, making cookies with my mom. I smiled. Even though there weren't many memories like that for me...I'm glad I have any at all.
During all the times of sadness....My mother would stop, and the light would shine, even if it was for just a little while...I am determined to not let the stress of everything, stand in the way of my childrens happiness.
I had left the kitchen, to switch the laundry, came back in to find the fridge door opened and standing on a stool was Riker, my 4 yr old, with his entire hand, stuck in the cookie dough....he pulled out his hand and laughed as he ran away.
Funny kid. I sure hope he doesn't get a belly ache!!
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