Rachel is my 7 yr old fiesty ball of emotion. She was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis type 1, about 6 months after birth. I recognized it, before any of the doctors...and since I grew up knowing about NF, there was no question that she would my 3rd child to be diagnosed.
It wasn't a huge or crushing blow when the doctors said to me that they thought she had NF, I knew basically what to expect, and I was ready for whatever came our way.
The thing that baffled me was that, not a single doctor looked to me, for the possible reason 3 of my children had NF. Being truly in denial about my own issues, I was able to "fool" a lot of people.
I knew about my NF....but I wasn't keyed into the whole complicated mess and problems that we would soon be faced with.
The reason for this blog is to yet again state that I am no different than anyone else. I have wants/desires just as much as the next person. My children are my entire life....I live and breathe because THEY live and breathe.
Those who question my choices in having children have every right to question me. If fact, bring it on! But to publicly bash and humiliate me for my choice is where I draw the line!
MY SIX children are living HAPPY and FULLFILLED lives....and anyone who comes into my home will see that. My choice in having a large family was the choice OUR family made, and to try to bring me down and feel like crap for it, is something I will not put up with.
Each one of my children is dealing with some kind of issue...shall I not have children, because of the possibility of something going wrong?
If your choice is to not have children, I respect and appreciate your decision--I please ask that respect and appreciate mine.
Meet my children:

ALL of these kids were meant to be! Part of life, is sometimes fighting like hell in what you believe in. I believe in LIVING---I believe in THRIVING, anyone who knocks me for that, is in for the fight of their life!